
Welcome to your English blog at Paidos School! Here you can learn, practise and improve your English in a different way. You will find useful links and information and you will also be able to participate and share experiences and opinions... in English, of course! I hope you enjoy it!

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

Reading Test 2º ESO - 4ºESO

Remember we have the Reading Test next Friday, 18 December!!!!
Here you have the link to the Burlington website where you can listen to the audiobook and do some activities or play games related to the book:

2º ESO - A Christmas Carol

4º ESO - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

A Poster for a Campaign


We have already started working on our project. Students are designing posters for different campaigns: against corruption, homophobia, racism, bullying, terrorism, war, domestic violence, drugs, smoking...
Once they have designed their posters, they will do an oral presentation in class.
Evaluation: 50% teamwork & poster
                    50% oral presentation

Here are the guidelines for the project:


1st session:
Bring material and start creating poster
·         -Pictures, images, drawings...
·         -Slogan (short text)

2nd session: 
Finish poster and prepare speech for oral presentation:
·         -Defend your campaign - WHY?
·         -Describe poster (images, slogan, colours...)
·         -Explain effectiveness (why do you think it will work).

3rd session:
Oral presentation